Celebrating women artists from the past
to inspire today’s art lovers

The Artemisie and our Museum

Le Artemisie e il nostro Museo


The Artemisie Museum

Il primo museo virtuale e database multilingue dedicato alle donne artiste.
Una ricostruzione virtuale della perduta Villa Benedetta
dell’architettrice del Barocco, Plautilla Bricci.

The first virtual museum and multilingual database
dedicated to women’s achievements in the arts.
A virtual reconstruction of the lost Villa Benedetta
by the ‘architettrice’ of the Baroque, Plautilla Bricci.


Become an Artemisia

Entra nella Artemisie Society!

If you wish to become an Artemisia, here’s what you need to know about the benefits of joining our Museum.


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The Artemisie Calendar of events.